Ok, so I met this sister on twitter just this morning where she decided for some good reason to follow me, and in reciprocation I did so in kind to only find that she is an independent artist who has just released her album. So, you guys know me, I am a sucker for indie artist and I love supporting GOOD music. In a few clicks of her myspace page I was hooked and I clicked on over to my favorite site for indie music, CDBaby and purchased her new album “Walk with Me” as a download, and not knowing what to expect on such an impulse buy, I was pleasantly surprised by what I found inside this package delivered by Rachel Walker.

You know what it’s like walking down the street finding $5 at feet just at the moment of deciding on how to pay the bills and needing something to eat? Maybe not, but I do and I think you get the idea. I was absolutely and presently ignited as I listed to the melodic rhythms of Rachel’s work, I mean I found myself humming the lines of “Beautiful Memory” which reminded me of that feel-good and soulfulness of a Karen White, Chante Moore, or even the 411 days of MJ, but she has a pizzazz that makes her stand out from the two.

What I love so much about “Walk with Me” is that it covers and praises love, life, and pain without being to cumbersome on the soul, but rather a refreshing touch that you will easily be singing the hooks in your car and around the house and alone I hope.

My Take
Arrangement and Engineering: From beginning to end this CD is well arranged and professional, it even has that polish of a major label, but is of course from and indie artist. In all I think you’ll be left wanting to rewind and repeat this album.

Lyrical Depth & Value: In these times of lyrical dilution and auto-tune it really hard to listen to music without cringing or getting irritated a little. Well “Walk with Me” is a definite relief to your pain. Song-to-song the content is very captivating and is perfect for the car and office.

Edutainment Factor: This album is a spinner and the work has far more than entertainment to it, it contains material that touches the emotions and proves to be delectable to the soul.

Replay Value: Extremely High, I have listened to this CD 4 times in just the few hours I have had it today.

Price: at $8.99 (download) this is an awesome value for this quality of work.


Have a listen to "Beautiful Memory"

*Note. the reviews are based on personal value and opinion, and is non-biased. FVC receives no benefits for its reviews and are not designed to sway artist sales.

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