In a weekend relaxation I took sometime to reflect on on the artform of spoken-word poetry and what my view of how an artist should define themselves as artist; I came up with four basic yet complex questions that should encompass the definition by which one presents their art.

These questions are meant rhetorically or non; however, they must be answered to defines one's true purpose in art. Why do I say in art? Well, art is revolutionary (define) in nature, therefore needs a purpose of cause. Before we get to the four questions let's lay down a baseline for rational response.

Let's start with purpose. Whether you have an idea of a poem or guided by spirit to deliver a message, it must be driven by a purpose (reason if you will), otherwise there is no need for the creation—the creation is a reaction of purpose. Now, understand that the purpose is not defined by its side effects (responses by readers/listeners), but by its reason for creation. Note, this is not to be confused with what one perceives from the work, for that is another uncontrollable factor. If the purpose is strictly to entertain, then that is its purpose; if it is to educate, then of course the artist must know the purpose of the lesson before delivery. No matter the purpose understand the premise and prepare for the results.

Cause and Effect. Once the purpose is defined, one must then define the methodology and vehicle/medium for delivery and the desired outcome. If the effect does not meet the satisfaction of cause, then one must solicit insight of purpose, and re-examine the methodology. Know this, there must be a cause and effect to all things no matter the defined purpose; for your words permeate and are subservient to your thoughts.

Impact. This is by far the most rewarding if the cause and effect are met with satisfaction. The impact of your work is defined by the receivers; however, if not carefully examined it can be the most poisonous. If one is driven by praise delivered sycophantically as a measure of impact there will be no growth or true impact. This type of purpose creates a facade and is deadly in nature to growth in art. However, if one can measure the impact of his/her works based on the change they create within those they reach, then they have indeed mastered the purpose of their creation.

Incited Revolution. In the beginning I mention that all art is revolutionary. This is a true statement no matter the way one defines revolution; I define revolution, for the purpose of my creations of art, as the "transformational change" of the mind, body, and spirit. When you can speak in a way that causes change in another's existence, it reformats the tabula rasa, and the transformation is reciprocated and multiplied in a contagious manner to incite further change beyond your expectations; you have truly sparked a revolution. This should be present in all purpose of art.

Relevance. There is nothing worse than spoon-feeding someone something that is not necessary to them. Yes, I know that one man's trash is another's treasure, but what happens when trash is just that...trash? Not every discourse has value to the general populous, and this is something that must be considered when one prepares. Not every idea is a great one and we can't always hope that someone will eventually connect with the discourse simply because we said it. Considering the relevance is as important as the purpose, so one must take careful consideration when it comes to content and its cause, effect, impact, incitement, and relevance to all who will patron their creations.

These are my views and understanding of Art and how one defines them as artist.

Answer the following four questions:

1. What is the cause and effect of your "spoken-word"?
2. What impact are you striving for when one takes in your words/life?
3. What revolution (define) are you inciting?
4. How relevant are your words to someone who doesn't know you?

Note. I find these questions to be the apogee of defining yourself in this artform.

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